4 Things I wish I knew before I started working out.

Charles Lee
3 min readJan 14, 2019

I was a 17 year old twig when I first started working out.
Trust me when I say “… I tried everything”.
I know that feeling of first stepping into a gym and feeling intimidated, lost, helpless even.
You only have a goal in mind with absolutely no clue as of where to start or what to pick up.
Here are four tips I would like to offer you before you start off your fitness journey.

Be Obsessed

I remember whenever I was free from the agony of schoolwork I would submerge myself in oceans of information on different exercises to achieve my desired physique.
Working out is never merely an action.
It is a form of art. You are sculpting your body for fucks sake.
Familiarise yourself with the different benefits of what each exercise brings and stop believing entirely in what your friend or coach tells you.
Question everything.
I’m not asking you to be obsessed in bodybuilding/powerlifting.
I’m asking you to be obsessed with your own body.
It’s your only ticket way out if you want to make a change.

Friends aren’t reliable

Before you decide to throw an axe at me.
Understand that everyone has different fitness goals.
You might want huge arms whereas your partner might only want toned legs.
It is only natural if you find it hard to compile a matching workout routine with your BGF — “Best Gym-friend Forever”

The most important part?
They will not accompany you throughout your fitness journey.
And that’s the real shit.
I started out with a handful of “gym-mates” and I have to admit, the entire
“get fit together” plan seemed surprisingly close to becoming reality.
Then shit happened.
Some lost motivation. Some got into relationships (sounds weird but its a story for another time). Some lost focus.
In the end, all I had was Me, Myself and I.
No one will be more committed towards improving yourself than you are.
If you want to get those nicely cut abs, you’ll having to take full responsibility for your workout sessions.
Even if it means getting it done alone.

Keep your workout routine simple

The one big mistake I made when I first started lifting was working out blindly.
I would literally implement every workout I came across on the internet or Instagram into my routine without knowing what I was doing (Tip 1).
Such a complexed routine left me frustrated and very, very confused.
Not only were results not showing, injuries were rather frequent.
This ended up with me nearly cancelling my gym membership and giving up on my goals for good.
Stick to the basics.
If you’re a beginner, I recommend focusing on exercises which trains your core strength.
Dumbbell Presses, Shoulder Presses and Squats are excellent beginner exercises that would benefit you in the long run.
*Yes, touch the free weights, don’t just hop onto the treadmill and run.

Beware of Gym Myths

“You’ll get too big if you go to the gym, here, have this detox tea instead!”
I find it extremely amusing how people of the millions fall victim to such scams, which in the end deter them from ever involving themselves in any weight training sports.

Supplements and detox tea can never replace the benefits of proper exercise.
A person who squats would definitely have better joint stability than a person who gulps down a ton of supplements but is not physically active.

“Girls should not touch weights
Screw those myths that preach the mentality of girls ending up too muscular if they were to ever hit the gym.
Simple. It is not genetically possible.
Girls just don’t have the equal amounts of Testosterone (male hormone) a typical Guy has.
Thus, girls generally build muscle at a much slower pace than guys.
Thus, girls are not going to have bulging arms and monster legs after four simple workout sessions.
If it were that easy then I would be the President of the United States.

Working out with a desired physique in mind is a huge responsibility of which the foundations align very closely with that of a professional body builder.
It requires hard-work and dedication.
Discipline. above all.
If you’re currently on the verge of getting into a workout routine or are already in the midst of it,
The process can be gruesome,
But rest assured, the rewards are extremely fulfilling.

P/s: This article mainly focuses on preparations on the mental side before diving into a workout routine, nothing too technical!

